Built for Shopify

This indicates that the product or service is tailored to work effectively within the Shopify ecosystem. It is likely optimized for Shopify's infrastructure, coding standards, and compatibility requirements.

Security and Reliability

Ensures data & transaction security, providing robust protection

Fast Performance

Promises a fast-loading app that preserves storefront speed.

Ease of Use

Indicates an intuitive app seamlessly integrated into Shopify.

Value for Merchants

Signifies merchant interaction, reviews, and average rating.

Engage Shoppers with these Wishlist Features

Guest Wishlist

Shoppers can save products to their wishlist without logging in to the store. Convert window shoppers into potential buyers by letting them hold on to their desired products for longer.

  • Keep shoppers engaged and invested in the shopping process.
  • Buyers can revisit their wishlist later to complete the purchase.
 Install App

Back in Stock Alerts

Send email alerts to customers who have chosen to be notified when the product is back in stock. Notify customers as soon as their desired item becomes available again.

Organized wishlists

Customers can conveniently plan gift ideas with separate wishlists

Repeat visitors

Customers are more likely to revisit their lists to purchase

View Feature

Price Drop Alerts

Inform customers of price drops and convince them they can save money if they buy right now. Clear low-selling stock by persuading customers to buy their saved products.

  • Send automated email alerts based on items in wishlists.
  • Create FOMO and make users take action on the purchase.
Explore App

Add to cart all products

Customers can now enjoy the convenience of adding all their desired wishlist products to their shopping cart with just a single click. Minimize the likelihood of abandoned carts.

Easy transfer

Facilitate a frictionless transition from wishlist to shopping cart

Convenient shopping

Prioritize convenience and a delightful shopping experience

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Product Variant Wishlists

Wishlists can be shown based on the product variant rather than being displayed solely based on products. Enable shoppers to compare different variations of a product side by side.

  • Valuable insights into customer demand for specific variants.
  • Reduce the risk of stockouts and optimize inventory performance.
View Feature

Multiple Wishlists

Customers can create multiple wishlists to categorize and organize desired products according to their convenience. Give shoppers the flexibility to curate lists that align with their unique preferences.

Organized wishlists

Customers can conveniently plan gift ideas with separate wishlists.

Repeat visitors

Customers are more likely to revisit their lists to purchase.

Explore App

Share Wishlist

The entire wishlist can be shared on social media or through a separate public link. Shoppers can easily share their wishlists with friends and family, enabling them to select the perfect gifts.

  • Increase the reach of your products to more people.
  • Foster social engagement and interaction among shoppers.
Start Trial

Restock Alerts

Notify customers about the wishlist products that are restocked and allow them to quickly secure their desired product. Create an immediate purchasing opportunity before the customer finds a substitute.

Demand forecast

Gain insights into user needs, trends, & market opportunities.

Quick selling

Boost sales of products that are recently stocked in your store.

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Escalating Your Wishlist Potential

Hear What Our Users Have to Say

  • High Class Touch - Home Decor fit for more store Projects817 LLC

    Amazing! I use the free version for my small business and when installing I had a bit of a struggle because I am not tech but I asked them for help and they finalised the installation and even made the widgets in my theme colours. I loved it!Thanks you very much to Jigs P and team!

    High Class Touch - Home Decor

    Great app! Unlike other wishlist apps, this one sends automatic emails to customers which I like very much. I can't wait to see how much this increases my sales and AOV. JP from support was SUPER helpful in setting this up for me. Thanks for the great app and even better service!

    fit for more store

    Their customer support is wonderful! The installed the app and did all of the minor customization I asked for in very little time. They provided screenshots to me to approve. I just downloaded their app but I already love it! I recommend 1000%!

    Projects817 LLC

Key Features

  • Button Customization

    Change the button color as well as the text and background color to match your store's theme. Change the box text and description.

  • Wishlist Layout

    Choose a grid or list layout to showcase products in the wishlist. Customize the appearance of the wishlist layout in your store.

  • Notify Me Customization

    Customize the notify button to display text according to your needs. Change the color of the text, background, border, and icon.

  • Wishlist Email

    Automated emails of wishlist products for targeting buyers. Generate orders by approaching customers with personalized offers.

  • Responsive Design

    The wishlist and notify buttons adapt seamlessly to all devices and screens. The app has a responsive & mobile-friendly design.

  • Quick Support

    Live chat and Email support are available on our app almost 24/7. If you are facing issues you can contact our Support Team.

  • Text Formatting

    Change the text format of the wishlist box to place personalized content that brings more orders to your store.

  • Insightful Analytics

    Take advantage of insightful analytics like wishlist page views, items in the wishlist, carts from wishlists, and revenue generated from wishlists.

Pricing Plan

Choose the plan best for you and your organization

  • Monthly Plan


Per month

500 Email Notifications


Per Year

  • Unlimited Wishlist

  • Wishlist Price Drop & Restock Alerts

  • Back in Stock Alerts

  • Import/Export

  • Guest, Share, & Multiple Wishlist

  • Customize Email




Per month

2000 Email Notifications


Per Year

  • Unlimited Wishlist

  • Wishlist Price Drop & Restock Alerts

  • Back in Stock Alerts

  • Import/Export

  • Guest, Share, & Multiple Wishlist

  • Customize Email



Per month

5000 Email Notifications


Per Year

  • Unlimited Wishlist

  • Wishlist Price Drop & Restock Alerts

  • Back in Stock Alerts

  • Import/Export

  • Guest, Share, & Multiple Wishlist

  • Customize Email



Per month

10000 Email Notifications


Per Year

  • Unlimited Wishlist

  • Wishlist Price Drop & Restock Alerts

  • Back in Stock Alerts

  • Import/Export

  • Guest, Share, & Multiple Wishlist

  • Customize Email

  • Headless Integration

We are here to help

When you have a question, just drop us an email at support@webcontrive.com and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Contact Support