How Many Things Need To Be Fixed To Reduce Bounce Rate On E-Commerce Store.

There are millions of websites & e-commerce stores on the internet now and if you are running an e-commerce store, but no one is getting stuck to your store more than one minute then it's high time to take necessary steps to reduce bounce rate.
Now first know figure out that What is Bounce Rate?
Bounce rate is the percentage of single-page visits. It is the percentage of visits in which a person leaves your website from the landing page without browsing any additional pages of your website.
* Speed up your Website
Speed is power. Customers just cannot handle to wait so first ever step is to Minimize your store loading time. If your store is advertising of anything, then place those ads appropriately those will not harm your store speed.
* Subject-specific Landing Pages
You know that your store is an e-commerce store and people are visiting your store not just to get information, but they are spending their thousands of money on your brand so specifies your store and make landing page enough desirable that what kind of products are available in your store.
* Avoid unnecessary Pop-Ups
Of course, to make a strong relationship and get engaged with the customer, we must need basic information like email address or contact number, but shoppers get irritated if we welcome them with lots of must answerable popups.
* Highlight Customer benefits
Sales, Free shipping, coupons, gift cards are playing the role of a king on e-commerce store. We must highlight those major effective objectives. The Customer loves the word "free" so do not forget to add these additional but most valuable features of your store.
* Provide Live Chat
Live Chat satisfies the customers more than other social media channel. Some buyer does not feel comfortable to talk to on call, some of the buyers do not have proper device o sent mail, but all buyers are able to communicate through your store so always add live chat module to solve customer queries instantly. With this module Bounce rate will minimize as your store is instantly answerable and they will get exactly what they want. Also, provide advanced search on the store so that shoppers will get their loved products quickly.
* Show future benefits
To keep a long relationship and make a very strong bond with customers your store must show future advantages for them. Shopping is never going to stop so you have to attract them by providing some discount for next purchase. It will increase conversion and minimize bounce rate.
* Most attractive design is everything
Good design automatically attracts shoppers. Store owners also need to keep updating store design to stand confidently with the competitors. Revamp your store with new design during the festival as an example, during a Black Friday season change store theme completely. For Cyber Monday else for Christmas sale. It also shows that how serious you are with your store and your store also takes shoppers seriously.